Repairs and Maintenance can quickly eat into your profit, and it is our job to minimize the impact to your bottom line. We have sourced many different trades and invite multiple bids on significant improvements to your property. It is not only important to get the lowest price from the list of qualified bidders, but we must complete the work this in a timely manner in order to keep your tenant happy. It is your tenant, after all, who is directly responsible for your income stream. We schedule the visit by the vendor with your tenant, and we will always be on-site during the inspection.

We personally perform an annual inspection of your property to identify existing or possible future deficiencies to stay ahead of costly repairs. We also perform these inspections after a new tenant moves in, to establish a baseline for the condition of the property, and again after they have moved out to determine if any repairs are necessitated by their tenancy, and therefore should be deducted from their Security deposit.

Some owners prefer to purchase a Home Warranty product that ensures that any repair to any appliance or electrical, plumbing or HVAC system is limited to small service call fee. We also can write this fee into the lease with your tenant as their (the tenant’s) responsibility. We will provide you a collection of different Home Warranty providers and let you choose the one that you think best fits your needs. Also, some owners prefer to pay for their improvements directly as opposed to going through our on-line capability. Either way is fine, but you can trust that our detailed records will prove to be very beneficial to you at tax time.